Board of Directors
Our family business takes pride in the strong governance provided by our esteemed Board of Directors. Comprising a diverse group of industry experts, seasoned professionals, and family representatives, our board plays a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction and ensuring the long-term success of Jawad Sultan Group LLC and the associate companies promoted by the owners. Their collective wisdom, insights, and commitment to upholding our core values guide us in making informed decisions that drive growth, innovation, and sustainability. Get to know the individuals who steer our company towards a bright future by exploring their profiles and contributions below.
Aqeel Jawad Sultan: He is the Chairman of the Group. Armed with a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from UK, he has been actively involved in various strategic functions which include HR, Administration, Marketing, Operations etc. for over 30 years. He is widely travelled and has extensive understanding of the business landscape of the Oman and fully conversant with various govt. rules and regulations impacting the businesses.
Nabeel Jawad Sultan: Nabeel Jawad Sultan, B.S. in Accountancy from University of San Diego [USA], CPA, CCE, CWM [USA] has been active in business for over 25 years in the family business. Soon after completion of his professional attainment as CPA from USA, he had some useful stints with a BIG 4 accounting firm in London and Oman and joined the family business thereafter. In all these years with the group, he has been actively involved in finance, accounting, audit, risk management, compliance, and corporate governance functions. Besides, he extensively contributes towards the corporate and business strategy of the group.
Sabah Jawad Sultan: As a director of the company, he has played a stellar role in stewarding the tours, travel and hospitality segments of the business for over 35 years and an acknowledged business leader in this segment. He is a Bachelor’s degree holder in commerce from US.
Haider Jawad Sultan: Holder of Bachelor’s Degree in Management from US. He has been spearheading the luxury retail business segment of the group for little over 30 years. A widely travelled person, he possesses astute understanding of this rapidly evolving field of lifestyle and luxury and has been a stellar contributor to the corporate and business strategy of the group.
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